ExportersIndia.com – Blogs Release April 2011

Tips to be successful in a B2B Lead Generation
In today’s rapidly growing market, B2B companies at every step endeavor to generate effective leads. B2B lead generation is an effective marketing process to reach out to the prospective customers all across the globe and gain wider exposure for your business and its offerings. […]

B2B Portals, Gateway To International Trade
With the globalization the importance of Business to Business portals has also increased to a great extent. These B2B portals have overcome the shortcomings of Business to Customers portals. With time it has become the most significant aspect or part of the international trade. […]

Want to establish an Import Export Business?
The import and export is considered as one of the leading options or business in the world of commerce across the globe. Initiating your own export and import business is a task of great responsibility and skills. In this tech-advanced world, all the worries related to establishing export and import business has come to an end with the help of internet. […]

Using an Export Important Directory to Increase Profits for Your Business
Many businesses have profited from the use of online import/export directories. Companies that are just opening up their businesses can especially gain from these directories. By signing up on an international trade directory, you will have access to links which can offer you business opportunities from a number of countries such as Germany, India, Japan, Brazil or the US. […]

Import/export – Building a Profitable Home Based Business with Zero Capital
‘Importing and Exporting’ is one of the oldest types of businesses in the world and require just lesser start-up capital as compared to manufacturing a product. In the global market a tremendous profit can be achieved by Importing and Exporting various products. […]

Help Your Export Business Succeed With Cultural Awareness Training
In the present era of globalization we find the boundaries of countries shrinking and the world becoming a smaller place. This concept has had a noticeable effect in the global business scenario. […]

Leveraging E-commerce Platform to Increase Imports
Business practices have evolved over the years and internet has been a catalyst in this evolution. Internet has allowed the business enterprises to do away with redundant trade practices, which earlier delayed the business activities. […]

International Currencies and Their Codes
Different countries in the world have their own currencies and they can be in the form of paper, coins or bank notes. It is interesting to know that each currency has a code that helps to distinguish it from other currencies. […]

International Buy Leads- Your Road to Global Business Expansion
Today, more and more businesses are looking to expand their horizons across the international market adding to the increased globalization. Expanding your business on a global level is not an easy task. […]

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