Small Businesses Grow by Exporting to India

India proves to be a great market for exporting goods. Being a developing economy, India offers great opening for exported goods. Flexible market rules and import-export policies have made India a preferred market for exporting goods by small businesses across the world. Though rapidly progressing with the times, there are still some goods/products which cannot be manufactured indigenously in India. Thus, India offers substantial potential for importing goods by both large and small businesses. Moreover, in India the prices of exporting are comparatively low as compared to the developed countries and therefore companies exporting to India gain substantial profit margins.
Some of the major advantages of exporting to India for the small businesses are:

  • Flexible Market Policy
    India has a market policy, which is quite open to exports by the foreign countries. The imports in India are not by very stringent rules thus offering a lot of flexibility. India is open for a lot of products thus acting as a very good market for exporters.

  • Prolific Deals
    The goods exported to India are sold at comparatively higher prices in India, which increases the profit margins of the companies exporting to India. This is particularly beneficial for the small businesses because exporting to the developed countries will cost them much more.

  • Foreign Trade Policy
    The Foreign Trade Policy of India allows for imports on very easy terms and conditions, which reduces the time taken for the transactions to take place hence saving time & money.

  • Open Markets
    India being a developing country, is not self sufficient in manufacturing all types of goods especially industrial machinery. The markets are therefore not saturated and the exporters can effectively place their goods in the Indian markets.

Therefore, small businesses with their small capital can get the most prolific deals on exporting to India. They can find a market which is open to their products and get greater prices for their goods. Easy export-import conditions remove all barriers to the smooth carrying of the trade.

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