ExportersIndia.com–Blogs Release August 2011

Some Tips For Sales Lead Generation
Every organization exists for two reasons-client satisfaction and profit creation. Profits are maximized when sales leads are generated. Sales lead is basically the identification of an individual or entity, which has an authority and interest to purchase a product or a service. This is the first step in the sales generation process {}

Nine Reasons Why B2B Marketing Should Own the Teleprospecting Function
Teleprospecting should serve as a bridge between sales and marketing. In any case, one department has to own the function and marketing seems to have the upper thrust. There are some valid points as to why teleprospecting should belong to marketing, listed in order of increasing importance {}

Email Marketing: Easy and Effective Solution for your Business
Internet marketing has emerged as the most powerful mode of marketing for small and big business houses alike. It is the most cost effective way of getting noticed among lakhs of competitors in the industry. Since internet has become an integral part of lifestyle of modern human beings, it is mandatory to have a distinct online identity {}

Impact of B2b Trade Portal
B2B Trade Portals have emerged as a fantastic tool for small and big business houses to develop and maintain a distinct identity online. It makes for an ideal platform for the companies working in the business to business setup to ensure that they have increased online visibility{}

Why B2B Portals Are So Important For Business Growth?
B2B is an abbreviation for Business to Business. This term is used to indicate the trade setup between two or more business houses. B2B portals or directories have emerged as a boon for all such trade setups and are playing a major role in their success {}

Ideas for Trade Show Exhibit Booth Themes
Trade shows act as a platform for companies to display their products where the consumers can interact directly with the company representatives and also have a look at the products displayed. Trade show promotions are an innovative tool used by advertisers to market their products to the clients {}

B2B Marketplace of Global Trade Leads for Importers and Exporters
Since the very beginning of civilization, trading has been an essential element of our lives. It is described as the intentional exchange of goods or services and sometimes both. It started out as the direct barter of goods and services. Nowadays, traders utilize money as medium for exchange of goods and services {}

Advertising in Local Internet Classified Ads is Cost Effective
Since time immemorial, businesses are struggling to devise new ways to advertise and promote their business. They have already tried all the traditional marketing methods, but they just can’t seem to acquire more customers. When they do acquire a new customer, they often find that they paid more in advertising costs than the customer was actually worth {}

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