10 Tips To Use Facebook For B2B

For those who think that social media networking sites like Facebook and Twitter are useful only for businesses that want to reach out to consumers and end-users, the truth could not be more distorted. While it is true that B2C setups are having a great time using the power of social media for their benefit, it’s also true that a major percentage of B2B setups are harnessing the power of this platform for communication and marketing purposes in a big way. Now if you want to get ahead in the race then there’s no better time to start than right now and here’s how.

1. Your first step would be to create a Facebook page that can be ‘liked’ by members. You can do this by first creating a profile and then clicking on the link that says ‘Create a Page’ on the homepage of your account and then proceed further.

2. Next, you should decide what to display on this page to attract not only the maximum likes but relevant ones from your industry.

3. Have someone manage the queries posted on the wall of the page or reply to any type of communication. Keep the page updated with industry news at regular intervals. Give something to the members to come back again and again. Link this page to your website and vice-versa. You can also personalize and download social plugins and Facebook badges from the website.

4. Post quizzes, industry trends, polls and links to important industry news on this page. You can also reward the clients by giving discounts or inside information on upcoming products and services.

5. Using the questions tab on the Facebook page, you can maintain interactive sessions with the clients or prospects. Using this platform, become the first person that the buyers contact while making a purchase decision.

6. Create an online community where the buyers can share positive reviews and other information.

7. Search online across forums and social networking communities to find out whether the target audience is facing any problems. Provide solutions to their problems on your Facebook page and also encourage participation to find out any other problems or preferences they may have regarding a product or service.

8. Not only this, you can create attractive advertisements that can be displayed to a targeted audience and also choose from different versions of these ads to choose the one that works best.

9. You can also use apps like ‘Events’ to let your clients known about any upcoming events.

10. Create content that is not only engaging for the first time viewer but is interesting and short enough to be shared a hundred times over the WWW.

What’s best about promoting B2B marketing on Facebook is that after doing all the work you can easily keep a track of what is working out in favour of the campaign and what’s not with the analytic tools available. This way you can either increase an activity or stop and start another one that can give greater returns.

International Business Directory

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