ExportersIndia.com – Blogs Release December 2014

Important Things For a B2B site B2B Websites or business-to business websites are platforms for distributors, wholesalers, manufacturers and retailers. On B2B sites the communication takes place between two or multiple businesses. Many use B2B Websites to carry out their varied business activities such as invoicing & payments and electronic transfer of orders. B2B Websites…

Benefits Of A B2B Directory

B2B (business to business) is based on transaction among businesses for commercial basis. Hence, to look up buyers, sellers, dealers, manufacturers etc a common platform that has been established online is referred to as a B2B Directory. It is a place where anyone owning a business can register. Now the question arises why register on…

ExportersIndia.com – Blogs Release May 2014

Selecting The Best B2B eCommerce Platform Undeniably, taking your business online is a must nowadays, and this necessity is no less than a challenge altogether. The reason is simple; you want the best promotion for your goods and every other Website Designing and Developing Company out there is claiming to have the competence in doing…