ExportersIndia.com – Blogs Release October 2011

Significant Aspects of Marketing to Diverse Cultures Marketing has become an indispensable tool for organizations that strive to carve a niche for themselves in diverse markets. People belonging to different cultures have huge differences in their lifestyles, habits, etc. thus, their psychology also differs to a large extent. So it follows that, marketing the same product…

International Trade – A Boon For Entrepreneurs

Gone are the days when one had to wait for the N.R.I. relatives to get a pack of exotic chocolates, dresses with international labels or other foreign items. Now, one can simply go to a nearby mall and avail the same almost immediately. This is the effect of Globalization. It has made the procedure of…

ExportersIndia.com–Blogs Release August 2011

Some Tips For Sales Lead Generation Every organization exists for two reasons-client satisfaction and profit creation. Profits are maximized when sales leads are generated. Sales lead is basically the identification of an individual or entity, which has an authority and interest to purchase a product or a service. This is the first step in the sales…

What Makes For An Ideal B2B Site?

Internet has expanded the market reach of large corporate houses and small vendors alike. It conveniently facilitates communication between organizations based in two different parts of the world. Setting new trends in the working of organizations pertaining to Business to Business set up, Internet has proved to be the best platform for presenting all the…

Tips To Write Web Content For B2B Websites.

Internet has provided a perfect platform for businesses of varied magnitudes to promote their products and services in a very successful yet cost effective way. However, with every third business entity having a website, promoting your own website so that it appears on the leading Search Engine Result Page has become a challenge. One thing…

How To Design An Effective Online Products Catalog?

Product Catalogs are one of the most efficient online media advertising tools that are trusted by companies for providing required information to the clients and expanding business in the global markets. Online Product Catalog is also termed as a Sales-Generating Copy, which holds a significant value in the B2B Space for making Business Transactions simple,…

Why To Get Registered With Business Directory Listing?

The Business Scenario today is becoming more and more competitive every day, every hour and every minute. As ‘Survival of the Fittest’ and ‘Struggle for Presence’ have transformed into the major challenges that center the global business stage, new and innovative promotion, sales and marketing strategies have become inevitable for businesses to build, maintain and…