ExportersIndia.com – Blogs Release August 2014

Listen, Leverage and Lead – Customer Service and Customer Complaints Handling In the simplest words, complaints can be termed as dissatisfaction expressed by the customers in the context of the products and services of any company. A successful company is the one which is committed towards finding effective solutions for problems being faced by its…

Listen, Leverage and Lead – Customer Service and Customer Complaints Handling

In the simplest words, complaints can be termed as dissatisfaction expressed by the customers in the context of the products and services of any company. A successful company is the one which is committed towards finding effective solutions for problems being faced by its customers & learns from all feedback, whether it is positive or…

ExportersIndia.com – Blogs Release May 2014

Selecting The Best B2B eCommerce Platform Undeniably, taking your business online is a must nowadays, and this necessity is no less than a challenge altogether. The reason is simple; you want the best promotion for your goods and every other Website Designing and Developing Company out there is claiming to have the competence in doing…