ExportersIndia.com–Blogs Release August 2011

Some Tips For Sales Lead Generation Every organization exists for two reasons-client satisfaction and profit creation. Profits are maximized when sales leads are generated. Sales lead is basically the identification of an individual or entity, which has an authority and interest to purchase a product or a service. This is the first step in the sales…

ExportersIndia.com–Blogs Release July 2011

Tips to Promote Advertising Campaigns Advertising Campaigns have become an inseparable part of the marketing strategies that companies adopt for creating brand awareness. The impact of advertising on masses is so strong that the brands which do not promote themselves are assumed to be less credible […] B2B Email Marketing B2B Email Marketing is an interesting…

Latest High Ranking Agendas For SMBS

Any small or medium sized business (SMB) must have figured out by now, that 2010 was the year of many technological upheavals and economical fluctuations. Well, 2011 has started on a good note but who knows what lies ahead? So, it becomes very essential for SMBs to gear up and have a ready strategy at…

Advertising Your Business With Blog Will Effectively Grow Up Your Small Business Plan

The world that we are living in is a media dominated world. In this world ‘without promotion nothing sells’. The newer and advanced technologies have facilitated the marketing and advertising of the products or services. The companies have been excessively profited this way. Be it business listings, newsletters, blogs etc. everything can be accessed on…

Protecting Your Small Business Online Reputation

If you are running a small scale business what is the main motto or the aim you long for? The main aim is possibly getting more sales, in turn a profitable business. In the present scenario whether a business is small or big, increase sales can affectively be achieved through widespread promotion. How do the…

Five Ways to Build a Brand for Your Small Business

In this modern world branding has become an indispensable thing everything needs to be branded right from the products to the individuals. When we think of brands Pepsi, Titan, Reebok, etc. strike our mind. But these are the big shots of the market; their business is being conducted on a massive scale. They can spend…